Select Writing

Hennessy, K., and Smith, T. (2024)
Becoming Anarchival [exhibition essay]. Gallery 881, Vancouver, B.C. [link]

Hennessy, K. and Smith, T. (2023)
Fugitive Memory: For Tu’i Malila. In, Gentle Dismantlings, a collaborative special issue of Branch Magazine and Ding Magazine. Winter, 2023. Edited by Kit Braybrooke, Julia Kloiber, and Michelle Thorne [link to article]

Hennessy, K. (2023). Sonny Assu: Legacy Format. Equinox Gallery. Invited exhibition essay [link]

Hennessy, K., Smith, T., DiPaola, S., Nejad, A. (2023)
Sensing the Cloud: Research-Creation as Sensory Anthropology. In, Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Anthropology. Phillip Vannini, Ed. London: Routledge. Pp. 248-262. [link]

Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (Smith, T., Hennessy, K.,McDonald, F. P., Takaragawa, S.,  Campbell, C.) (2021).
Function and Form: the Ethnographic Terminalia Collective Between Art and Anthropology. In Collaborative Anthropology Today: A Collection of Exceptions. George Marcus and Dominic Boyer, eds. Cornell University Press.

Smith, T., and Hennessy, K. (2020)
Anarchival Materiality in Film Archives: Toward an Anthropology of the Multimodal. Visual Anthropology Review 36(1):113-136. [pdf]

Smith, T., Hennessy, K., Neumann, O. (2019)
Anarchival Materiality: The Bauhaus Building in Dessau. In, Bauhaus Futures. Laura Forlano, Molly Wright Steenson, Mike Ananny, Eds. Pp. 185-193. MIT Press.

Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (Takaragawa, S., Smith, T., McDonald, F.P., Hennessy, K., Campbell, C.) (2019).
Ethnographic Terminalia: Co-Curation and the Role of the Anecdote in Practice. In, The Anthropologist as Curator. Roger Sansi, Ed. Bloomsbury Press.

Takaragawa, S.,  Smith, T.,  Hennessy, K.,  Alvarez Astacio, P., Chio,  J., Nye, C.,  Shankar, S. (2019)
Bad Habitus: Anthropology in the Age of the Multimodal. American Anthropologist 121(2):517-524. [pdf]

Smith, TL. The Breath Camera: A prototype for Anti-capitalist photography. In Mapping Meaning The Journal. Issue 1.

Hennessy, K. and Smith, T. (2018)
Fugitives: Anarchival Materiality in Archives.
PUBLIC 57 (Archive/Counter-Archives): 128-144. Edited by Susan Lord and Janine Marchessault. [pdf]

Smith, T., and Hennessy, K. (2018).
Fugitives: Anarchival Materiality in the Archive [Photo Essay].
Geist (Spring, 2018). Pp. 48-54.

Smith, T. and Hennessy, K. (2018).
Fugitives. Whats in Sight (Summer 2018). Published by the Royal British Columbia Museum. Pp. 28.

Hennessy, K. (2018)
Voices and the Archive in Maps and Dreams. In, $5 Handshake: Art on Treaty 8 Territory.  Melanie O’Brian, Ed. SFU Galleries Critical Reader Series, 4. (pp. 84-96).

Hennessy, K., Smith, T., and Hogue, T. (2018).
ARCTICNOISE and Broadcasting Futures: Geronimo Inutiq Remixes the Igloolik Isuma Archive.
Cultural Anthropology 33.2(2018):213-223 (Special Issue on Indigenous Media Futures) (link) (pdf).

Ethnographic Terminalia Collective (2016)
The Photo-Essay is Dead, Long Live the Photo-Essay! (e-publication and companion website)

Ethnographic Terminalia Collective and grunt gallery (2015)
Terminus: Archives, Ephemera, and Electronic Art. Vancouver: grunt gallery. [e-publication and companion website]

Campbell, C., Hennessy, K., McDonald, F.P., Smith, T., Takaragawa, S., and Miller, T.R. (2015)
Ethnographic Terminalia––After the Bureau of Memories: Reflections at the Intersections of Archives, Art, and Anthropology. Adami, E. and Ferrini, A. Eds. Mnemoscape Vol. 2 [link]

Campbell, C., Hennessy, K., McDonald, F., Smith, T., Takaragawa, S. (2013)
Thinking Through Collaboration: The Ethnographic Terminalia Curatorial Collective.
Anthropology News, Fall 2013.

Hennessy, K. (2013)
An Imaginary Line: Active Pass to IR9  In Anthropology and Art Practice.
Arnd Schneider and Christopher Wright, eds. Pp. 109-118. London: Bloomsbury.

Hennessy, K. (2013)
Asymmetrical Translations: John Wynne’s Anspayaxw In Anspayaxw: An Installation for Voice, Image, and Sound by John Wynne. Exhibition Catalogue. Vancouver: Satellite Gallery. Pp. 3-6.

2011 Maria Brodine, Craig Campbell, Kate Hennessy, Fiona P. McDonald, Trudi Lynn Smith, Stephanie Takaragawa.
Ethnographic Terminalia: An Introduction.
Visual Anthropology Review 27(1):49-51. [Download here]